Wednesday, November 27, 2019


SCARLET LETTER LOGS essays Summary: This chapter is about the town and the prison that lay upon the soil. The black flower represents the prison. It also talks about the criminal and how nature takes pity on him. A woman named Anne Hutchson is put into Jail, I think. 1. This is one of the most boring and hard to read chapters I ever read in my life. Summary: This chapter is about when Hester comes out and all the good wives ridicule her. She has a baby in her arms and a scarlet letter on her breast. They make here walk through the market place so everybody can see her. She is set upon the scaffold for 3 hours. The baby was 3 months old when she got out of jail. Hester Pryne is her name. She remembers back in England: her parents and a man she liked and is smart. He comes to the town and he looks mad. 2. The women in the crowd are very cruel. Summary: This chapter is about the interrogation of Hester Pryne and how they are asking her whom she slept with. The preacher sort of tells here to confess who did it with her. They keep yelling at here and she never confesses. 5. I predict that the preacher guy is the man who had sex with Hester. Summary: This chapter is about how Hester goes back to jail and she starts to feel sick and here baby is sick to a physician is ordered to come. He gives the baby something and she says something like she wished it were poison. Hester's husband comes to the jail and they start talking about what had happened. Her husband tries to find out who did it with her. He finds out that Roger Chillinsworth is her husband. ( He changed his name) 3. Hester's husband is smart and intelligent however he is an ugly hunchback. Summary: Hester is released from prison. She has the option of going back to England but she chooses to stay because of the guy she had sex with is there. Nobody wants to hire her for a seamstress at her job. She helps the poor a lot and the others shun her. Then when she goes to...

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